Sunday, November 05, 2006

I'm Such a Goober...

Well, I got my taste of excitement for the year. Today is Sunday, my apartment cleaning day, and I usually round out my cleaning frenzy by taking my vacuum's air filter out on to my balcony for a thorough beating. It was a bit chilly this morning, so I wore my old terry cloth robe over my Superman tank top and roos. Thanks God for small favors. Out of habit, I pulled my glass door shut behind me, only this time I heard a sickening thud following it. My Anti-theft Charlie Bar had dropped down and effectively locked me out of my apartment. There was this brilliant moment where I could see the picture I made there in my scruffy robe, my pre-shower hair, and my it's-cold-out-here-runny nose. I had to laugh. Lucky for me, a neighbor pulled up in her car and saw me waving like a lunatic from my second story balcony. She offered to call the security folk for me on her cell phone, leaving me to contemplate my situation. With my front door double bolted and chained from the inside, there was nothing short of a bettering ram that was going to get in that way. The same went for my bedroom window as I had reinforced the frame with a large two-by-four to prevent thieves. (My paranoia keeps everyone out, now with me included!) The only way back into my fortress of solitude that is my apartment was going to have to be through my charlie barred sliding glass doors. The repair bills kept dancing through my head as I waited for help to arrive.
Forty-five minutes, a wire hanger, and advice from the security man later, I managed to break back into my apartment. No one had to call the police or the local news channel and I didn't have to expose my Superman jammies to an audience. I may stay inside for the rest of the day just to be on the safe side. I'm such a goober.


Blogger typingelbow said...

oh, man!! that is hilarious! I'm so glad they were able to talk you through the break-in. you might've had to shimmy down the drainpipe. way to go!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006  

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