Monday, February 18, 2008

Quarter of a Century

Good grief, my blogging has started to coincide with blue moons, clean port-o-potties, and Elvis sightings. Today I was inspired by the fact that I am now twenty five years old. A quarter of a century ago, my mother's water broke during her favorite television show Dallas and two hours later, I was an official member of the Butler clan. I have to thank my elder sister for paving the way in the birth canal. Two hours of labor longer, and I would have been Pisces rather than an Aquarius. No offense to my fish stick brother and sister, I've always liked the fact that I've got a goofy hippy song to sing to myself during the odd moments of my life. Several people have heard my voice bouncing off the walls singing, "The Age of Aaaaquarious! Aquaaaarious!" It's nice to have an automatic theme song.
Things have been kind of crazy as of late. My grandmother's fight with cancer had a major episode that had the entire family haul ass to be by her side. It was a terrifying moment for our family, but despite that, it was also a treasured moment. I found that something I once thought distasteful and gross could be a very simple and loving act when it was one's family member who needed the attention. I learned that my younger siblings have suddenly grown into fabulous adults that I enjoy hanging out with, and that I am a lousy poker player, especially when I am playing for peanut butter M&M's in an I.C.U. waiting room. Honestly, we're not sure what comes next, but we made it through this crisis/impromptu family reunion.
Not wanting to end on that note, I have less than four months left in my program. If I pass my classes and my final examination, I will have a Masters degree in Information Science. It may be premature, but I have already put in my money to rent my ceremonial hood. (I was surprised that you have to rent them. Can't I keep one to hang from my rear-view mirror?) That's all I have for now, but hopefully I'll post again before Elvis is sighted in a clean port-o-potty that's lit by the light of a blue moon. :)


Blogger typingelbow said...

Right on, my Aquarius sister!

I love you, darlin!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008  

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