Friday, March 27, 2009


Wow. My last blog still had me packing things in Knoxville, Tennessee. I've lived in New York City for almost three months, and in my efforts to obtain gainful employment, I have walked these city streets to the point that I'm getting weird moments of deja vu. The Big Apple is shrinking as I slowly finish the map in my head.
I'm adjusting well to living with family. We've all got ways to find our alone time, and we've got enough in common that we have a lot of fun whatever we wind up doing together. Having cute, fluffy white dogs to distract us also helps. :)
It hasn't been a picnic with the economy going nuts just as I was trying to become a responsible adult, but them's the breaks. I haven't given up on my hopes of someday being the funky librarian who either has the information you need or has the tools to find it for you, (Or even teach you how to find it for yourself!), but while I wait for the libraries to unfreeze, I'm hunting part-time work in various places. Veterinarian clinics, jazz clubs, bakeries, bookstores, etc., I'm branching out into places that hadn't occurred to me before.
My heart wasn't as bruised as I thought. Getting some distance/perspective was good. I'm not pining away for anyone. I think a lot of those feelings were tied in to the fact that I was leaving a close friend behind as well as moving into an unknowable future. Spring arrived and brought the sunshine with it, so that too may explain my mood lift. :)
Here's hoping for a lovely spring, where hope and opportunity grow like the daffodils in Arkansas.