Saturday, March 31, 2007

The memory in a lime...

Oy. Friday I suddenly had this urge to bake (it happens from time to time sort of like needing to migrate south for the winter...) and boy howdy did I. Having bought a set of springform pans two years ago thinking about taking up tarte making, yesterday I dug them out of my hardware storage and decided to break in the 9 incher by baking a cheesecake. Dude. I had no idea that my favorite cheesecakes require 2 lbs. of cream cheese alone to get started! My jeans instantly felt tighter just by looking at that amount of creamy goodness sitting on my counter.
Committed to baking, I ignored my tight pants and pressed onward. I decided I wanted a tropical flavor in my cheesecake, so I added the zest and juice of two limes and as I was suddenly enveloped in the smell of citrus I had a moment where I was blinking back some happy tears. No, I didn't squirt lime into my eyes. It's just funny that smells can be linked to memories. I hadn't realized until just that moment that I associate the smell of fresh limes with my mother. My mom once baked a lime meringue pie, (once and only once), but since that was the first time I had even seen/smelled a lime (I think I must have been two or three) the scene really impressed upon my psyche. Twenty years later, as I'm zesting a lime in my own kitchen, I felt this rush of warmth and security like my mom had just reached through time and space to hug me. Who'd have thought that such a great thing could be brought forth from the humble lime.
As for my cheesecake, I had a huge slice of the tastiest lime and cream cheese pastry to ever touch my lips and now I'm going to take the rest to work to force my co-workers to partake. Happy Days, folks!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Still Here

It has been a while since I blogged, so I thought I'd twitch a bit to let folks know that I'm still here. Lets' is steady with me knocking down deadlines as they come up. This may change as the due dates for my two research papers come closer. For now, I'm okay. Hey, my eyelid hasn't twitched in at least a week, so I must be getting used to the pressure.
I've started making music videos on YouTube when I need some leisure time. I discovered a basic movie program on my computer and I've been goofing off with it ever since. I'm too embarrassed to share with people I know, so I'm not giving you all the links to my stuff. Let's just say, I get to be as geeky as I want to be and not have to worry about getting razzed for it.
I turned twenty-four last month and all I have to say is that from here on out, any cracks about spinsters/old maids will be met with your car/vehicle of choice being, "fished." (That's where someone hides a fish somewhere in your vehicle to await the day that the lovely pong of dissolving carp soaks into every particle of said vehicle's interior.) I'm kidding. Twenty-four is a hit television show, who says it can't be a good age for me to be? :)
That's about all of my news for the moment. Most of the big things I'm involved in don't start happening until this summer, but I will try to blog again before those come and go. Happy Days, folks.
